Art Showcase
We at Nelson Therapy and Consulting believe Indigenous expressive arts provide a foundation from which to work rooted in cultural continuity, resilience, community connection and kinship that can be used to counter the negative effects of colonialism in health care outcomes (Muirhead & de Leew, 2012). Our goal is to empower our relatives through our collective knowledge by providing opportunities for children, youth, and adults to learn, discuss, and participate in cultural learnings. In order to counter hegemonic political realities, we can create safe spaces that promote diversity through identity negotiation and self-expression through the arts...that can reflect the complexities of relationships between people, places, and social structures” (Flicker et al., 2014, p. 29). With the incorporation of Indigenous expressive arts into our approach to healing in conjunction with Western Mental Health approaches, we recognize and celebrate the multiple knowledge systems that can be utilized to assist an individual in their journey toward healing.
Here you can find a collection of various art directives used in individual mental health therapy, as well as our current work with our Wholeistic Wellness Workers.
Showcase Photos - Please click for a larger image and to see the slideshow